Kamis, 31 Juli 2014 hair The FBI's Worst Hair Days An article by Spencer Hsu in yesterday's Washington Post suggests that the FBI lost a tug of war within the Justice Department. In 201...
Selasa, 29 Juli 2014 Familial searching shed DNA A Long Shot Pays Off in Long Island A family member shouted “we love you” as police took John Bittrolff back to jail. A court in Long Island had just ordered him held without b...
Senin, 28 Juli 2014 Bayes exoneration fingerprint Looking Backwards: How Safe Are Fingerprint Identifications? Yesterday , I explained why the frequency with which factors like confessions are found in cases of wrongful convictions does not measure th...
Minggu, 27 Juli 2014 Bayes exoneration false confession Looking Backwards: How Prevalent Are False Confessions? Studies of false convictions are tremendously important. They can rebut complacent assumptions that such things never happen, and they can s...
04.08 biobank journalism Up in Smoke: 5 Million Neonatal Blood Samples Incinerated Originally posted: Double Helix Law Blog , Mar. 15, 2010 An effort to avoid the pointless destruction of the millions of Guthrie cards maint...
Sabtu, 26 Juli 2014 biobank journalism A Texas Tall Tale of “DNA Deception” Originally posted: Double Helix Law Blog , Mar. 4, 2010 A “non-profit, nonpartisan public media organization,” the Texas Tribune broke a re...
Minggu, 20 Juli 2014 DNA database Stopping a Defendant from Using a DNA Database Trawl to Blame Someone Else in Diggs v. State A violent burglary and robbery of two unsavory characters in their apartment near Rockville, Maryland, led to felony charges against two men...
Sabtu, 19 Juli 2014 probability transposition Judge Richard Posner on DNA Evidence: Missing the Trees for the Forest? In the cornucopia of court opinions, errors in the description of statistical concepts are a dime a dozen. Most never see the light of day. ...
Kamis, 17 Juli 2014 DNA-BC Fourth Amendment The Constitutionality of DNA Collection Before Conviction: An Updated Scorecard Note : This posting updates previous ones. It is current as of July 17, 2014. Seventeen years ago, Louisiana adopted a law mandating that ...